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Transit for New Riders

Welcome to riding transit! We’re excited to have you on board. Whether you’re planning to take the bus, the SkyTrain, or the SeaBus, or the West Coast Express, TransLink will be here to support you every step of the way. This page will provide you with all the information you’ll need to take transit with confidence. Still have questions? Just ask! Friendly staff are here to help so you can enjoy the ride and explore your city with us.

On this page

    Have Questions?

    Contact Customer Information Services at 604.953.3333

    Phone Operating Hours
    6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days per week.

    We can help you over the phone in more than 300 languages! Just tell the agent your preferred language, and a certified translator will be added to the call.

    Share Your Thoughts

    Please tell us what you think about this webpage! Your feedback will help us improve the content on this page for your fellow riders.

    Preparing for Your First Trip

    1. Plan your trip

    Use trip planning tools such as Trip Planner to map out your route(s). Consider travel time, walking distances, transfer points, and other modes.

    2. Check fares

    Familiarize yourself with fare zones and the different ways to pay for transit, such as cash, Compass card, or credit or debit card, and choose the one that’s best for you.

    Customers can save costs by purchasing a Compass Card and loading either passes or stored value. For convenience, you can also tap your contactless debit or credit card at faregates and Compass readers.

    3. Arrive early and find your stop

    Give yourself time to arrive before your scheduled departure time. Find your nearest stop, SkyTrain station, SeaBus terminal or West Coast Express station and check signs to make sure you’re in the right place.

    4. Stay informed

    Check Alerts for service disruptions and Next Bus for updated information on when your bus should arrive.

    5. Be prepared

    Bring any necessary items for your journey such as a map, water and food, and weather-appropriate clothing. Think about any safety and accessibility considerations.

    6. Boarding and riding

    When the bus, train, or ferry (SeaBus) arrives, wait for passengers to disembark before boarding. Once onboard, find a seat or hold onto a handrail for stability. Be courteous to other riders and offer a seat to those who require priority seating such as the elderly, those with disabilities, and people travelling with babies.

    7. Ending your journey

    The SkyTrain stops at each station on the route and will announce which station it is approaching. The next station and terminus station is displayed at the front of the train. On the bus, customers will need to request the bus to stop at the next stop by pulling on the yellow cord or hitting one of the red buttons on a nearby pole. Before you exit, make sure you have all of your belongings.

    How to Plan for Your Trip on Transit

    Trip Planner

    Passenger using the TransLink website on the bus

    Use the Trip Planner to find out how to get to your destination.


    Mobile phone on ‘Transit Alerts’ page held up in front of SkyTrain at station platform

    Pay attention to any alerts along your trip. Or you can sign up to receive alerts by email or text message.


    Illustration of phone with Next Bus mock up

    Next Bus is a quick way to look up departure times for a specific bus stop and bus route.

    icon of a bus

    Next Bus SMS

    You can also text the bus stop number, and bus route number to 33333 and we’ll send you the next two departure times. Make sure you leave a space between the bus stop and route number (e.g., 60980 99) or for a maximum of two routes (e.g., 60980 99 9).

    How to Pay on Transit

    The fare you pay is based on your age and the number of zones you want to travel.

    • There are two fare types: Adult and Concession. Concession fares offer a discounted price for eligible riders, such as youth and seniors.

    • Children 12 and under can ride free.

    • Not paying your fare, or using incorrect fare, could result in a $173 fine. Visit our Fare Enforcement page to learn more.

    • For contactless payment cards, single-use tickets, and Compass Cards, you have 90 minutes to transfer across buses, SkyTrain, and SeaBus.

    • If you pay with cash on the bus, you will get a bus transfer ticket that can only be used to travel on buses. You cannot use a bus transfer ticket to travel on SkyTrain, West Coast Express or SeaBus.

    • On the SkyTrain and SeaBus, remember to tap in and out of the system to have your fare calculated correctly. You do not need to tap out of the system when you leave the bus.

    Concession Fares Eligibility

    Passengers who are eligible to our discounted concession fares include:

    • HandyCard holders
    • seniors 65 and older*
    • youth 13 to 18 years*

    *Must present valid photo ID proving age

    illustrations of credit cards representing  Interac® debit, American Express®, Mastercard®, Visa® credit.

    Contactless Payment Cards

    • Tap your contactless Interac® debit, American Express®, Mastercard®, Visa® credit, or mobile wallet (Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay) at the fare gates or onboard the bus.

    • Adult fare only. Concession fare is not available when paying with contactless debit or credit.

    An illistration of  single-use consession and adult ticket, with a Compass Vending Machine in the background.

    Single-Use ticket

    • Buy a single-use Compass ticket at the Compass Vending Machine.

    • Valid on date of purchase only.

    An illustration of the orange Concession Compass Card and the blue Adult Compass Card.

    Compass Card

    • A $6 refundable deposit required for a reloadable Compass Card.

    • Load your card with $5 or more.

    Day Pass ticket

    • Save money if you use transit multiple times in one day.

    • Purchase a Day Pass Ticket for unlimited same-day trips on bus, SkyTrain, and SeaBus until the end of service day.

    • Day Pass tickets are not valid on West Coast Express.

    • Discounted concession fares available.*

    Monthly Passes

    • Adult Monthly Passes provide unlimited travel on SkyTrain and SeaBus for the number of zones purchased. 

    • Adult Monthly Passes are sold for 1-, 2-, or 3-Zone travel.

    • Concession Monthly Passes are only available as a 3-Zone. 

    • All Monthly Passes offer unlimited travel on buses at any time.

    • All Monthly Passes offer unlimited travel across all zones on weekends, holidays, and after 6:30 p.m. on weekday evenings across all modes.

    • Passes for West Coast Express must be purchased separately as they are priced differently.

    icon of a compass card

    Where to Buy

    Compass Cards are available online at, at Compass Retailers, and select London Drugs stores. Tickets are available from Compass Vending Machines at SkyTrain and West Coast Express stations, SeaBus terminals, Tsawwassen and Horseshoe Bay ferry terminals. Cash, debit, and credit cards are accepted at Compass Vending Machines. Purchases can also be made by calling 604.398.2042.

    Only purchase Compass Cards and Tickets at the verified sellers listed above.

    Fare Zones

    Fare Zone Map

    What are fare zones?

    There are three fare zones across Metro Vancouver. The number of SeaBus and/or SkyTrain boundaries you cross during your trip determine your fare.

    See Pricing and Fare Zones for more details.

    How do zones work?

    • All bus and HandyDART trips are a 1-Zone fare at all times.

    • SkyTrain requires a 1, 2, or 3-Zone fare, depending on the time and day* and number of zone boundaries you cross during your trip.

    • SeaBus requires a 1 or 2-Zone fare, depending on the time and day*

    • A single fare is valid for 90 minutes on bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus, and HandyDART.

    *All journeys across the system starting after 6:30 p.m. weekdays and all travel on weekends (Saturday, Sunday, and holidays) are a 1-Zone fare.

    What to Expect

    TransLink is pleased to provide one of the most accessible transit systems in Canada, offering a variety of accessible features and services for customers with all abilities. Follow these video guides to learn how to travel on our accessible transit system in Metro Vancouver.

    Taking simple actions while sharing space on transit, like giving priority seats to those who need it and removing backpacks and large bags to make room for other passengers as they board and exit, can make the trip more pleasant for everyone.

    For more tips, visit the Etiquette on Transit page.

    Traveling on transit in Metro Vancouver is easy, follow these mobility guides to learn more.

    Training videos are available in English with American Sign Language (ASL), Described Video, Cantonese, French, Mandarin, and Punjabi.

    English with ASL

    Compass Cards and Tickets

    View this video in English Described Video


    Traveling on a Bus

    View this video in English Described Video



    View this video in English Described Video


    Traveling on SkyTrain

    View this video in English Described Video


    SeaBus overview


    West Coast Express


    Trip planning

    We're committed to making transit easy to use for people of all ages and abilities.

    In partnership with AutismBC and Beckett 3D Studio, we created a new online tool to help individuals with autism feel more confident when travelling on Metro Vancouver buses.

    Use our virtual bus tool to tour a 3D TransLink bus at your own pace via a desktop computer or mobile device.

    Customer Assistance and Safety

    When using public transit, please stay aware of your surroundings. Report any unusual behaviour or incidents to a uniformed transit employee or by texting Metro Vancouver Transit Police at 87.77.77.

    Include the word HELP and the vehicle number if you require assistance while onboard.

    (Note: standard carrier text messaging rates may apply)

    icon of a warning  sign

    Reporting an Incident

    For emergencies call 911

    For non-emergencies contact Transit Police directly:
    Call 604.515.8300
    Text 87.77.77

    Services available primarily in English.

    To view more Safety Tips visit the Safety and Security page.


    A man exiting a HandyDART vehicle while the driver is standing by for support.

    Accessing Public Transit

    As the transportation authority for Metro Vancouver, TransLink is working to ensure everyone can access transit services.

    For more information, download the Accessible Transit in Metro Vancouver guide.


    HandyDART is TransLink's door-to-door, shared-ride service for people who are unable to navigate conventional public transit without assistance. Individuals who may be eligible for HandyDART include those with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities.

    To learn about HandyDART, including how to apply for the service, please visit the HandyDART webpage or download the HandyDART Rider’s Guide.

    icon of wheelchair


    For general questions about HandyDART, HandyCard, or the Access Transit program, call Access Transit Customer Care at 604.953.3680.

    Operating Hours
    Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. excluding holidays

    More Information

    For links and more information specific to your needs, find your section below.

    New to Canada, BC, or Metro Vancouver? Here is some information that may be helpful for getting around and important locations to know about.

    Visiting Metro Vancouver? Here are some tips to help you get to and from YVR Airport, ferries, and around Metro Vancouver for sightseeing and visiting local attractions using transit or active transport.

    Whether you're planning a day out with the little ones or need tips on traveling with your family, we've got you covered.

    Certain colleges and universities can participate in a program to provide a U-Pass BC to eligible students. Only the college or university can provide students with a U-Pass BC and it is illegal to purchase a U-Pass BC from another student. For more information visit:

    Information important for senior riders to know.