Transit-oriented communities are places that, by their design, allow people to drive less and walk, cycle, and take transit more. This means concentrating higher-density, mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly development within walking distance of
frequent transit stops and stations, in tandem with measures to discourage unnecessary driving.
Why foster transit-oriented communities?
Transit-oriented communities support sustainable transportation choices and other community goals, and result in lower levels of vehicle use, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality, and healthier lifestyles.
Framework for Growth and Development
A fundamental principle for creating transit-oriented communities is to concentrate growth in centres and corridors that are well served by transit.
To advance the goals outlined in Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy, we introduced the concept of the Major Transit Network (MTN). The MTN is a network representing the highest order of transit in the region, with services that are high-capacity, high-frequency, fast, and reliable, travelling in dedicated rights-of-way all day, every day in both directions. The corridors surrounding selected MTN routes have been identified as Major Transit Growth Corridors in Metro 2050. Major Transit Growth Corridors represent locations for regionally significant levels of corridor-based transit-oriented growth, based on the following principles: anchored by Urban Centres or Frequent Transit Development Areas, connected by the Major Transit Network, generally resilient to natural hazards, accessible to jobs and services, and walkable.
All Major Transit Growth Corridors are served by existing or planned MTN-level service. However, not all MTN routes have been identified as Major Transit Growth Corridors. Together, the Major Transit Network and Major Transit Growth Corridors represent the priority locations for transit investment and new Frequent Transit Development Areas, helping to bring additional certainty and greater coordination for member jurisdictions, TransLink and Metro Vancouver over time as the region grows.
While Transport 2050 envisions the MTN as the transit backbone for the highest growth areas in the region, the Frequent Transit Network (FTN) also supports transit-oriented growth and development. The Frequent Transit Network is a network transit is provided at least every 15 minutes in both directions, throughout the day and into the evening, every day of the week.
Development Patterns
Transit-oriented communities come in many shapes and sizes. Transit providers seek to match the type of service to the observed and expected demand, which is influenced by community characteristics. Service types can be defined based on speed and access – attributes that are determined by the right-of-way, the station, or stop spacing. Transit-supportive land uses are described in Metro 2050 as well as TransLink’s Transit Service Guidelines.
The distances people are willing to walk to transit depend on:
Transit services with limited stops, spaced every 1 to 1.5 km, tend to have faster journey times but less convenient local access. Transit services with many local stops, spaced every 250 to 400 m apart, have more convenient local access but slower journey times.
On average, most people will walk 10 minutes (800 m) to access limited-stop services such as rapid transit and 5 minutes (400 m) to access local stop services.
Limited stop services generally support the highest concentrations of population density around the stops and stations serviced. Metro 2050 advises that development around these types of services be generally nodal-shaped and include:
Higher-density development forms, including office and employment uses;
Additional parking management to support transit and active transportation; and
Minimum density of 60-350 jobs + people per hectare.
Local stop services, on the other hand, support a pattern of development distributed more equally along the corridor. Metro 2050 encourages development around these types of services to be generally linear-shaped and include:
Medium-density housing forms, especially wood-frame construction;
Affordable and rental housing;
Employment; and
Minimum density of 35-80 jobs + people per hectare
Regional and Local Coordination
TransLink works with Metro Vancouver, the region’s local governments, and other stakeholders to coordinate and integrate land use and transportation.
Local Coordination of Land Use and Transportation
The greatest opportunities to influence land use rest with Metro Vancouver’s local governments and communities through their land use planning, development, and regulatory authorities. These decisions can support efficient and effective transportation service provisions when they’re conducted within the framework of the Regional Growth Strategy and Regional Transportation Strategy.
Official Community Plans are developed by local governments and communities. They lay out local objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management. They’re important in developing transit-oriented communities and providing the characteristics necessary to support investment in transit and foster walking and cycling.
Local government transportation plans, community energy and emissions plans, corridor plans, and land use plans at smaller scales (neighbourhood, urban centres, etc.) also provide a greater level of detail on the local initiatives and investments that can foster walking, cycling, and transit use.
We work with our local government partners to foster land use and transportation coordination through ongoing dialogue and collaborative planning processes.
Implementation and Guidelines
The creation of a transit-oriented community requires coordination and action at all scales, from the regional scale down to the site scale, and by multiple stakeholders. We work with our partners to develop policies, processes, programs, and guidelines that assist in advancing more transit-oriented communities.
Design Guide for Bus Stops Adjacent to Cycling Infrastructure
In April 2024, TransLink and the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI), published the Design Guide for Bus Stops Adjacent to Cycling Infrastructure:
This document provides a comprehensive set of guidelines offering solutions for the planning, design, operation,
and maintenance of bus stops adjacent to protected cycling infrastructure. Included is a range of contexts and
applications throughout British Columbia along with guidance for education and engagement for new infrastructure
as well as retrofits. The framework and the treatments identified increase safety for all users by encouraging
appropriate speeds and behaviour around these types of bus stops.
The focus is to improve safe active transportation for every person regardless of their needs and abilities
following the principle of Comfortable for Most, also known as All Ages and Abilities (AAA). It also recognizes
the wide variety of contexts across British Columbia from large urban centres which may have high levels of
walking, rolling, cycling, and transit use to smaller and rural communities which may have longer distances and
rely on different modes of transportation.
While the Design Guide reflects input from a variety of affected groups, recent feedback from people with sight
loss have raised concerns with the mid-block island platform bus stop design option. The feedback indicated that
this type of infrastructure does not provide proper safety for people with sight loss given that they cannot
reliably assess if a person cycling is approaching or has stopped for them to cross.
Engaging with local community residents and stakeholders on the planning and design of island platform bus stops
is a critical component to ensuring the stops work for all members of the community. This should be conducted
early in the planning process and include robust and meaningful engagement with the accessibility community,
including people with sight loss.
It is essential that the engagement is intentional and effective at gathering input and is integrated into the
final design. Engagement should include:
Work with local accessibility advisory committees, including people with sight loss, to obtain their
input regarding bus stops adjacent to cycling infrastructure within the context of the design
Developing a stakeholder list and engaging with a broad range of stakeholders, including people who cycle
and people with a range of abilities, during the planning and design process.
Partnerships established with organizations in your community that represent people with disabilities.
Site visits conducted with people with a range of abilities at existing bus stops adjacent to cycling
infrastructure to explore retrofit opportunities.
Partnerships with Orientation and Mobility Specialists to provide training and help people with sight
loss to become familiar with island platform bus stops.
The Design Guide includes planning guidance for consideration by local governments that either eliminates or
minimizes the potential for conflict between transit users and people cycling before considering adding an
island platform bus stop.
Planning Guidelines
Understand the context:
What is the primary role and user priority for the corridor within the broader transportation network?
Has the role and modal priorities of the project corridor as part of the broader transportation network
context been reviewed and assessed
What is the land use context? Is the land in an urban, suburban, or rural context?
What is the user context? How many users of various types are using the project corridor?
Eliminate the conflict between people cycling and people accessing transit:
Can the bikeway and transit route be accommodated on different corridors?
Can the bikeway be provided exclusively on the left side of a one-way street?
Can the bikeway be accommodated on a different corridor with fewer steep slopes?
Minimize the conflict between people cycling and people accessing transit:
Can road space be reallocated?
Can a bus stop be provided at or adjacent to a signalized intersection?
Can a bus stop be removed, relocated, or consolidated while still achieving the same level of transit
Can unidirectional bikeways be provided instead of bi-directional?
Can separation between people cycling and transit riders be achieved?
These guidelines encourage solutions that avoid the use of island platform bus stops altogether. If that is not possible, then the preferred configuration is the signalized-integrated island platform bus stop, adjacent to a unidirectional bikeway (Figure 44 of the Design Guide). Other configurations should only be considered under specific circumstances and if the previous suggestions are not possible.
Some of the recommendations to increase safety and access include (for a full list, please refer to the Design Guide):
Tactile Directional Indicator Mats located on the pavement at the bus entrance
Enhanced signage with braille and raised tactile letters provided on bus stop ID poles, indicating that the transit user must cross a bike lane
Marked pedestrian crossings in line with bus stop ID pole and doors of bus
Treatments to slow cyclists such as narrowing, raising, channelizing, or curving the bike lane
Cane-detectable edge treatments along the bicycle path
Visual and tactile contrast between sidewalk, bike lane, and island platform bus stop
Accessible Pedestrian Signals for bus stops located at signalized intersections
The Design Guide recognizes the need to develop a wider suite of options that will let a person with sight loss know with certainty that a person cycling is approaching or has stopped. While this Design Guide is a first step, more research continues, including recommendations underscoring that transportation practitioners and people with a range of abilities should continue to work together to better understand the tools and technologies that may have the potential to address issues.
After consideration of the stakeholder feedback received throughout the development of the Design Guide and following its publication, we recommend that until new tools and technologies are available to better address the crossing safety concerns for mid-block island platform bus stops, close attention and consideration is given to the full framework of options contained in the Design Guide, including the elimination and minimization of conflict.
We strongly encourage local governments to work with their local accessibility advisory committees, including people who are blind, and obtain their input throughout the planning and design process regarding bus stops adjacent to cycling infrastructure within the context of the Design Guide.
Planning Initiatives
We’re working with our partners on multiple planning processes that support the development of transit-oriented communities; these currently include but aren’t limited to:
Transit-Oriented Communities Design Guidelines
Our Transit-Oriented Communities Design Guidelines outline best practices and strategies for designing communities around frequent transit stops, stations, and exchanges that support walking, cycling, and transit. These guidelines serve as a resource for municipal planners, engineers, elected officials, developers, and others in achieving transit-oriented visions for their communities.
A summary version of the guidelines key concepts is also available in our Transit-Oriented Communities: A Primer on Key Concepts.
Transit Passenger Facilities Design Guidelines
The Transit Passenger Facilities Design Guidelines provide a framework for designing and developing transit passenger facilities (transit stations, exchanges and stops) within their surrounding context. Intended for all parties involved in passenger facility planning, design, and maintenance, the guidelines ensure that new and upgraded facilities balance the goals of creating great places for customers and pedestrians, optimizing transit efficiency, achieving environmental sustainability, and being fiscally responsible, all with design excellence.
Transit Service Guidelines
We use a set of Transit Service Guidelines to improve service quality for customers and evaluate proposed transit service improvements. The guidelines ensure that all transit services provide customers with acceptable levels of convenience, frequency, speed, comfort, and reliability.
Bus Infrastructure Design Guidelines
The Bus Infrastructure Design Guidelines consolidate transportation design best practices for bus transit facilities in Metro Vancouver. It offers transit infrastructure design best practices for engineers, planners, and other parties involved in designing and building urban infrastructure. The design criteria is recommended for typical applications and provides guidance on operational efficiency, safety, and customer comfort. It is a living document that will be updated as technology and best practices evolve.
Transportation Demand Management
Our TDM Guidelines for Development in Metro Vancouver provide developers and local governments with best practice and insight on how to incorporate TDM strategies into new developments.
Metro Vancouver Guideline on Identifying Frequent Transit Development Areas
In consultation with TransLink and member jurisdictions, Metro Vancouver is updating the Guideline on Identifying Frequent Transit Development Areas (FTDAs) to assist in establishing these areas and implementing this concept from Metro 2050. This will include guidance on updated geographic requirements for FTDAs – most notably, the policy that new FTDAs must be located within Major Transit Growth Corridors.
Provincial Policy on Transit Oriented Areas
In 2023, the Province of British Columbia passed new legislation requiring some local governments to designate Transit-Oriented Development Areas near transit hubs. As noted on the Province’s site, “These TOD Areas are defined as areas within 800 metres of a rapid transit station (e.g., SkyTrain station) and 400 metres of a bus exchange and West Coast Express that the Province has listed in regulations.”