What kind of amenities does this building envision for neighbours?
TransLink’s overall vision for the site is to create a walkable neighbourhood hub with animated ground floor retail, vibrant outdoor public plaza space, and secured rental housing located in the heart of Moodyville. We expect that our immediate neighbours will benefit from added neighbourhood retail and a new outdoor plaza space, which will be accessible to the broader community.
Are there concerns that this development will dramatically alter the character of the area?
With this project, we are aiming to respond to City policy – and the urgent need for rental housing – while also enhancing the existing context of the area. This project will enhance neighbourhood vitality while providing much needed secured rental housing and retail space, which will benefit the neighbourhood and the City.
Has the project been approved?
TransLink has submitted an Official Community Plan amendment as a first step to gather feedback from the public, city staff, and council. The project has not yet been approved and will undergo further consultation as part of the City of North Vancouver’s approval process before a rezoning application is submitted.
Who is going to build this and when will construction start?
After the project is approved, TransLink will partner with a developer through an open-market offering process to deliver the project. Construction for these kinds of developments typically takes 3-4 years.
Once a developer is brought on board, TransLink will be able to provide a clearer picture of when construction will begin and when the development will be complete.