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Completed in 2007, the South of Fraser Area Transit Plan (ATP) outlines a long-term vision and near-term priorities for transit service in the South of Fraser municipalities of Surrey, Delta, City and Township of Langley, and White Rock. Since then the ATP has guided transit service and infrastructure investments and helps ensure continued coordination between transit and land use in the area.
The Southwest sub-region is addressed in its own Area Transport Plan.
Read the Phase 3 Implementation PlanThe South of Fraser Area Transit Plan was completed in 2007 after more than two years of robust public and stakeholder consultation and detailed technical analysis.
Long-Term Transit Vision
The South of Fraser area will be home to 1 million people by 2031. To keep people moving, the local transit network will transition to a network of rapid transit and higher-frequency services connecting all town centres, making it easier for
people to travel both within the South of Fraser area and elsewhere in the region.
Near-Term Priorities
These are needed to help achieve the long-term transit vision:
Invest in fast and frequent bus services
Develop the Frequent Transit Network
Improve facilities and transit priority
Expand to growing and underserviced areas
The South of Fraser ATP continues to guide decision making at TransLink and the communities South of the Fraser.
As these communities develop both the long-term vision and the recommended near-term priorities will be regularly reviewed to ensure transportation planning continues to be coordinated with local land use and growing transit demand.
We'll continue to provide more information on how we're progressing to meet the goals, objectives, and recommendations of the Plan as we move forward.
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