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Bus Rapid Transit Program

A conceptual illustration of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system showing a modern bus in a designated bus lane approaching a station with waiting passengers.

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Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is coming to Metro Vancouver, bringing the benefits of fast, frequent, and reliable rapid transit to more people. With dedicated bus lanes and signal priority at intersections, BRT will provide reliable service, making your commute faster and more convenient. Weather-protected stations with real-time information displays will also make waiting for your next ride more comfortable.

We're developing up to nine BRT corridors across the region over the next decade. King George Boulevard, Langley–Haney Place, and Metrotown–North Shore are our three initial corridors, now advancing to detailed planning, community engagement, and implementation.

BRT is Metro Vancouver’s Newest Rapid Transit Experience

Turn Up and Go

No need to pre-plan, check schedules, or worry about wait times. With BRT’s enhanced reliability and frequency, your experience couldn’t be easier: just turn up and go.

Peace of Mind

Ride with confidence on every BRT journey, knowing you’ll arrive safely, comfortably, and reliably – rain or shine, night or day.

Get There Fast

Avoid unforeseen wait times and skip past traffic, so you can get to the people and places that matter most, faster.

BRT in the Access for Everyone Plan

The Access for Everyone plan includes an expansion of the region’s Major Transit Network by implementing approximately 170 kilometres of rapid transit on up to 11 corridors, nine of which have been identified as BRT corridors.

The nine BRT corridors include:

  • King George Boulevard

  • Langley–Haney Place

  • Metrotown–North Shore

  • Hastings Street

  • Lougheed Highway

  • Lynn Valley–Downtown/Lonsdale

  • Marine Drive Station–22nd Street Station

  • Richmond Centre–Metrotown

  • Scott Road

Priority BRT Corridors

Regional Map for the three new Bus Rapid Transit Corridors

The Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation identified King George Boulevard, Langley–Haney Place, and Metrotown–North Shore as the first three corridors to advance to further planning, engagement, and implementation.

TransLink and local government partners are advancing necessary planning and design work and engage with the public on these three corridors. Although roadway designs, associated costs, and timelines have not yet been determined, business cases will be developed for each corridor to be included in an update to the Investment Plan, as these projects are currently unfunded.

King George Boulevard BRT

Map for the King George Boulevard BRT

King George Boulevard BRT will introduce an additional 19 kilometres of rapid transit service to Surrey, featuring 12 stations. During peak hours, service will operate every 5 minutes, providing commuters with a convenient and reliable travel option.

This BRT service will provide a direct connection between Surrey City Centre and Semiahmoo Town Centre, reducing travel time by 40% to approximately 40 minutes. Key destinations accessible by this route include Surrey Memorial Hospital, Bear Creek Park, Newton Centre, and South Surrey Park and Ride.

The King George Boulevard BRT will also provide seamless connections to local routes, ensuring fast and convenient transfers. Additionally, it will improve access to SkyTrain, including the future Surrey Langley SkyTrain.

Building on the success of the existing R1 King George Blvd RapidBus, the King George Boulevard BRT will enhance transit accessibility across the region. Upon its launch, the R1 RapidBus service from Surrey Central to Guildford Exchange will be replaced by equally frequent local service between Guildford, Surrey Central, and Newton Exchange.

Langley–Haney Place BRT

Map for the Langley Haney Place BRT

Langley–Haney Place BRT will establish a 22-kilometre rapid transit connection between the Township of Langley and Maple Ridge, featuring 13 stations. During peak hours, service will operate every 10 minutes, providing commuters with a convenient and reliable travel option.

This BRT service will provide a direct connection between Willowbrook and Haney Place, reducing travel time by more than 40% to approximately 40 minutes. Key destinations accessible on this route include Willowbrook Shopping Centre, Langley Events Centre, Ridge Meadows Hospital, and Haney Place Mall.

Langley–Haney Place BRT will also connect to the future Surrey Langley SkyTrain at Willowbrook Station, the R3 Lougheed Hwy RapidBus, and Carvolth Exchange and Park and Ride.

Metrotown–North Shore BRT

Corridor length: 21 kilometres

The Metrotown–North Shore rapid transit corridor will connect major destinations such as Park Royal, Capilano Mall, Lower Lonsdale, Lower Lynn, Burnaby Heights, Brentwood, BCIT, and Metrotown. It will also improve connections to SkyTrain at Brentwood Town Centre on the Millennium Line and Metrotown Station on the Expo Line.

Recognizing the high transportation demand on this corridor, work has begun to extend the R2 Marine Dr RapidBus from Phibbs Exchange to Metrotown, providing a direct express connection between Burnaby and the North Shore. This will replace the limited, peak service 222 between Phibbs Exchange and Metrotown and provide all day service, higher capacity articulated buses, and enhanced stop amenities. For more information, visit the RapidBus page.

At the same time, an ultimate rapid transit connection will be determined through the Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit Program, which will plan for BRT and consider other rail alternatives. The study will evaluate technology, different route alignments, stop and station locations, and degree of roadway separation including options for a dedicated transit crossing of Burrard Inlet.

Priority BRT Corridors

Regional Map for the three new Bus Rapid Transit Corridors

The Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation identified King George Boulevard, Langley–Haney Place, and Metrotown–North Shore as the first three corridors to advance to further planning, engagement, and implementation.

TransLink and local government partners are advancing necessary planning and design work and engage with the public on these three corridors. Although roadway designs, associated costs, and timelines have not yet been determined, business cases will be developed for each corridor to be included in an update to the Investment Plan, as these projects are currently unfunded.

King George Boulevard BRT

Map for the King George Boulevard BRT

King George Boulevard BRT will introduce an additional 19 kilometres of rapid transit service to Surrey, featuring 12 stations. During peak hours, service will operate every 5 minutes, providing commuters with a convenient and reliable travel option.

This BRT service will provide a direct connection between Surrey City Centre and Semiahmoo Town Centre, reducing travel time by 40% to approximately 40 minutes. Key destinations accessible by this route include Surrey Memorial Hospital, Bear Creek Park, Newton Centre, and South Surrey Park and Ride.

The King George Boulevard BRT will also provide seamless connections to local routes, ensuring fast and convenient transfers. Additionally, it will improve access to SkyTrain, including the future Surrey Langley SkyTrain.

Building on the success of the existing R1 King George Blvd RapidBus, the King George Boulevard BRT will enhance transit accessibility across the region. Upon its launch, the R1 RapidBus service from Surrey Central to Guildford Exchange will be replaced by equally frequent local service between Guildford, Surrey Central, and Newton Exchange.

Langley–Haney Place BRT

Map for the Langley Haney Place BRT

Langley–Haney Place BRT will establish a 22-kilometre rapid transit connection between the Township of Langley and Maple Ridge, featuring 13 stations. During peak hours, service will operate every 10 minutes, providing commuters with a convenient and reliable travel option.

This BRT service will provide a direct connection between Willowbrook and Haney Place, reducing travel time by more than 40% to approximately 40 minutes. Key destinations accessible on this route include Willowbrook Shopping Centre, Langley Events Centre, Ridge Meadows Hospital, and Haney Place Mall.

Langley–Haney Place BRT will also connect to the future Surrey Langley SkyTrain at Willowbrook Station, the R3 Lougheed Hwy RapidBus, and Carvolth Exchange and Park and Ride.

Metrotown–North Shore BRT

Corridor length: 21 kilometres

The Metrotown–North Shore rapid transit corridor will connect major destinations such as Park Royal, Capilano Mall, Lower Lonsdale, Lower Lynn, Burnaby Heights, Brentwood, BCIT, and Metrotown. It will also improve connections to SkyTrain at Brentwood Town Centre on the Millennium Line and Metrotown Station on the Expo Line.

Recognizing the high transportation demand on this corridor, work has begun to extend the R2 Marine Dr RapidBus from Phibbs Exchange to Metrotown, providing a direct express connection between Burnaby and the North Shore. This will replace the limited, peak service 222 between Phibbs Exchange and Metrotown and provide all day service, higher capacity articulated buses, and enhanced stop amenities. For more information, visit the RapidBus page.

At the same time, an ultimate rapid transit connection will be determined through the Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit Program, which will plan for BRT and consider other rail alternatives. The study will evaluate technology, different route alignments, stop and station locations, and degree of roadway separation including options for a dedicated transit crossing of Burrard Inlet.

Program Timeline

Phase 2
BRT Features Engagement
(King George Boulevard and Langley-Haney Place BRT)

Jan. 16 - Feb. 9, 2025

Investment Plan 2025

Spring 2025

Metrotown–North Shore BRT

Summer 2025

Phase 3
BRT Corridor Design Engagement

Fall 2025

Learn About North American BRT Systems

York Region Transit’s Viva system

BRT systems can be found in more than 200 cities around the world. By introducing BRT, our region is following in the footsteps of communities that have successfully leveraged their systems to improve transit reliability, shorten travel times, reduce congestion, support economic development, and build new housing. Learn about North American examples by playing the videos below.



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