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Independent transit services are TransLink-approved public transportation services (bus or rail) operating within Metro Vancouver provided by anyone other than TransLink, its subsidiaries, or contractors.
Taxis, car/vanpools, inter-regional buses, school buses, and hotel/casino shuttles are not considered independent transit services and do not require TransLink approval.
Improve transportation options for markets or areas in Metro Vancouver that are not served by TransLink’s existing transit network.
Support TransLink’s commitments in the Regional Transportation Strategy to deliver an integrated and coordinated transportation network.
Under the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (SCBCTA) Act, TransLink is responsible for approving all independent transit service operations within Metro Vancouver.
TransLink adopted the Independent Transit Service Policy to ensure the identification, evaluation, and approval of independent transit services are done in a consistent and transparent way.
This Independent Transit Services Factsheet provides more detailed information on the process.
If you have questions about existing or potential independent transit services in Metro Vancouver, email