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September 7, 2023 - Media Release

TransLink’s Walking School Bus Program returns

Initiative part of regional strategy to ensure sustainability for future generations  

Children crossing street while participating in Walking School Bus Program.

NEW WESTMINSTER, BC – Metro Vancouver elementary students are once again being encouraged to walk to and from school, with the return of TransLink’s Walking School Bus Program.

Kid Commute: A Walking School Bus Program is part of a broader plan called TravelSmart For Kids, which encourages and enables children aged 12 and under to travel by active and sustainable modes of transportation – including walking, cycling, rolling, and taking transit – around the region.

Launched in 2021 by TransLink and regional partners, the Walking School Bus Program was developed to reduce congestion near schools and improve the health and wellness of children by enabling them to walk to and from school. During weekdays, supervised student groups, from a participating school, walk predetermined routes with planned stops to pick up or drop off kids – just like a conventional school bus.

The Walking School Bus Program is back in late September and active until the end of the school year.

The program is co-funded by TransLink, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and three municipalities. There are currently seven participating schools:

Table showing participating Metro Vancouver schools in Walking School Bus Program

TravelSmart for Kids is a first-of-its-kind travel strategy that will:
  • Create a region that is safe, healthy, sustainable, and ensure future generations know how to navigate different modes of transportation.
  • Support the legacy of active travel initiatives focusing on children.
  • Build additional resources and funding to develop programs, initiatives, and infrastructure that support sustainable travel for children.

The plan also aligns with Transport 2050, TransLink’s Regional Transportation Strategy, and B.C.’s Active Transportation Strategy: Move. Commute. Connect.

TravelSmart for Kids partnered initiatives include:

Planning for sustainable travel within a community can result in improved health, transportation safety, a more affordable and equitable community, reduced traffic congestion, better air quality, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.


Kevin Quinn, CEO, TransLink – 
“This plan creates a positive culture of active and sustainable travel options with a focus on children in our region. Through TravelSmart For Kids, and unique initiatives like the Walking School Bus Program, we’re fostering healthier lifestyles for young students by lowering greenhouse gases and also creating lasting connections in our communities.”

Brad West, Chair, Mayors’ Council –
“We welcome programs like this as a way to introduce our children to healthy habits that also help develop their independent skills. Students across our region deserve access to a safe and enjoyable journey to and from school. This program represents a unifying effort to create positive change in communities and reduce our collective carbon footprint.”

The Honourable Rob Fleming, B.C. Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure –
“As we continue making record investments to expand and improve access to transit and active transportation, it’s critical that future generations learn the benefits of transit and sustainable travel options. As part of the Province’s Get On Board! program, more than 370,000 B.C. children aged 12 and under have the opportunity to ride transit for free. Reducing traffic around schools means cleaner air and a safer, healthier environment for students.”

Paul Storer, Director of Transportation, City of Vancouver –
“There are many benefits to encouraging children at an early age to use active and sustainable modes of transportation. TransLink’s strategy highlights how a coordinated effort among all levels of government can positively serve our region, help reduce vehicle congestion and carbon pollution around schools, and make streets safer for our children.”

More information:
TravelSmart For Kids webpage
Transport 2050 webpage
The Society for Children and Youth of BC

Media contact:
TransLink Media Relations