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November 23, 2022 - Media Release

TransLink launches Transit-Friendly Employer Certification

New program for businesses the first-of-its-kind in Canada

Blurred image of bus passing by with Transit-Friendly Employer logo in foreground.

NEW WESTMINSTER, BC – TransLink is launching a new initiative to encourage employers to subsidize transit for their employees. The Transit-Friendly Employer Certification (TFE) will allow employers who provide an employee subsidy to promote their commitment to transit in recruiting campaigns and sustainability reports.

The Transit-Friendly Employer Certification – the first and only one of its kind in Canada – gives participating businesses and organizations a promotable official stamp recognizing their commitment to supporting transit.

To become certified in the TFE program, employers must pay at least 50 per cent of their employee transit passes, while employees pay the remainder. Large companies, with over 200 staff members, need to sign up at least 10 per cent of employees. For smaller employers, a minimum 25 per cent of employees must sign up.

By subsidizing transit passes for their employees, Transit-Friendly Employers will be demonstrating their commitment to climate action by encouraging people to get out of their cars. The program also provides employers an attractive employee retention measure, as transportation costs represent the second-highest household expense in B.C.

Organizations can also customize their involvement in the program:

  • Choose a suitable level of subsidy
  • Pay-as-you-go transit passes for employees who commute a few days per week
  • Monthly passes for frequent commuters
  • Single or multi-zone passes depending on the typical commute distance

TFE builds on TransLink for Organizations, which continues to provide sustainable travel solutions for employees in Metro Vancouver. As employee commuting often amounts to a sizable source of greenhouse gas emissions, TFE offers an opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint of organizations around the region.

Quick Facts:

  • At 35 per cent, transportation is the biggest source of emissions in Metro Vancouver (only 2.7 per cent comes from transit).

  • Roughly one-in-five (20 per cent) of work trips in the region are made on public transit.

  • Each day, TransLink customers collectively save 1.3 million kgs of greenhouse gas emissions by choosing transit over driving a gasoline-powered car.

Visit to learn more and become a Transit-Friendly Employer.


Kevin Quinn, TransLink CEO –
“Organizations around Metro Vancouver are saying they want climate action. This program enables businesses to join us as leaders in taking tangible steps to help reduce the carbon footprint of our region. TransLink’s vision is to make transit the first choice for all trips to and from the workplace. To accomplish this goal, we need companies who are committed to creating more sustainable communities.”

Katrina Shum, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics Head of Sustainability –
“At Lush, we realize the urgency of the climate crisis and our responsibility to take action – in how we do business and how we engage our staff along our journey. This program encourages and supports our staff to shift toward less carbon intensive transport. It is a convenient and cost-effective commuting option where we collectively tread more lightly on the planet and move toward our vision of leaving the world lusher than we found it.”

Tamara Vrooman, Vancouver Airport Authority President and CEO –
“At YVR, we feel a sense of urgency, with respect to getting affordable and climate-friendly transit into the hands of our many employees. As we work toward our net-zero goals, every step we take that reduces our carbon footprint helps. We’re proud to sign on to TransLink’s new program and do our part to not only encourage our employees to use this more sustainable transportation option, but to also make it more accessible.”

Jonathan Schmidt, Intel Canada Design Engineering Manager –
“At Intel, we aim to create world-changing technology that enriches the lives of every person on earth. Fostering a more sustainable and ecological work environment is part of what we believe needs to be achieved and engaging in eco-friendly initiatives is a fundamental aspect for us.”

Dr. David Byres, Provincial Health Services Authority President and CEO –
“This program clearly aligns with our overall commitment to sustainability, as we continue developing a climate plan for the future. For many of our employees, taking these kinds of proactive steps reach beyond financial subsidies and speak to their personal values. We hope to encourage other organizations to take collective action and help reduce our environmental impact.”

More information:
Transit-Friendly Employer Certification video
Transit-Friendly Employer Certification website
TransLink for Organizations

Media contact:
TransLink Media Relations