Customers can start loading February Compass Monthly Passes
Customers can start loading February Compass Monthly Passes
- Customers can load a Monthly Pass online or by phone starting on the 16th of each month or at a Compass Vending Machine starting on the 20th.
- The start and end of each month is the busiest time for loading a Monthly Pass online at or by phone—customers should consider loading their card early and know their Monthly Pass will be ready when they are.
- Customers can also load a Monthly Pass at a Compass Vending Machine – it loads immediately. Customers should follow the instructions on screen and remember to tap their card on the reader to load their pass at the end of the transaction.
- Customers are encouraged to register their card to take advantage of benefits like AutoLoad—which means their Monthly Pass will always load automatically every month so they never have to worry about it.
New! Preloaded Adult and Concession Compass Cards available at most Compass Retailers
- Compass Retailers now sell preloaded Adult and Concession Compass Cards, which include $10 of Stored Value and the standard $6 card deposit.
- These cards allow customers to travel immediately. So they can buy a card and hop on transit right away.
- These cards offer all of the other great benefits Compass Cards provides – they can be registered and reloaded.
Tapping with Compass
- All Compass customers, including Monthly Pass holders, are reminded to tap in and tap out on SkyTrain and SeaBus to ensure they are charged the correct fare.
- Tap in only on buses
Farewell FareSavers
- FareSaver sales end in January, but customers can continue to use them until gates close; and for bus-only travel after fare gates close.
- We recommend customers use up their FareSavers and then switch to Compass. Loading Stored Value to a Compass Card is the new way to get the FareSaver rate.
Compass by the numbers
- More than 500,000 customers now have Compass Cards.
- Approximately 250,000 Compass Cards are tapped every day.
- Approximately 137,000 people loaded a January Monthly Pass to their Compass Card.
- Approximately 90 per cent of Compass customers are tapping out on SkyTrain.
More information
- Order cards: or 604.398.2042 /1.888.207.4055
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Figure 1: Sales of Monthly Passes loaded to a Compass Card over a 3-month period