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Our expansive rail network moves our customers to key transit hubs in the region. There are several infrastructure and fleet projects underway to improve the quality of our SkyTrain and West Coast Express services.
Many of these projects support the vision and requirements of our three main transit expansion plans: Transport 2050, the 10-Year Investment Plan, and Area Transit Plans.
Rail projects include:
Escalator replacement to enhance the accessibility at our SkyTrain and West Coast Express stations
Running rail and rail pad replacement to improve safety and comfort of our service
Adding renovated stairwells and elevators at SkyTrain stations to improve station accessibility
Partial or complete roof replacements to keep SkyTrain stations safe as part of ongoing maintenance
These infrastructure investments will keep the network in a state of good repair and safety, and support expanded services and regional growth in the coming years.
Starting Sept. 23, 2024, the pick-up/drop-off (Kiss and Ride) zone at Lake City Way SkyTrain Station will be temporarily relocated to the drop-off lane near the entrance on Lake City Way.
The relocation is due to the construction of the adjacent Bridge Studio - Lake City development, which will be the largest film and television production studio in Canada.
Dec. 2023 to Fall 2025
TransLink is working to replace four aging escalators at Commercial–Broadway SkyTrain Station to ensure safe and reliable transit operations for years to come. These escalators were installed at the start of the Millennium Line service in 2002 and are reaching the end of their service life.
Work on the two escalators serving Millennium Line’s Commercial platform began Dec. 2023. These new and improved escalators opened for customers in Sept. 2024 and on the same day, the two nearby escalators serving Expo Line platforms 3 and 4 (near Booster Juice) were closed for replacement. The accompanying stairs were also closed to ensure the safety of the public and crews throughout construction.
Good news! Our escalator construction crews have made it possible to reopen the staircase on the north side of Commercial–Broadway SkyTrain Station much earlier than originally planned.
This means customers can access platforms 3 and 4 as normal for the remainder of construction and will not need to detour across E Broadway Street any longer.
The elevator will also resume regular service.
Customers should continue to use care moving through the station, as construction crews will be working and fencing still in place until the project’s completion.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve your transit experience at Commercial–Broadway SkyTrain Station.
From spring 2018 through early 2024, we replaced 37 aging escalators along the Expo Line nearing the end of their service lives with heavier-duty units built to move more customers safely and reliably for years to come. In Dec. 2023, we embarked on the next stage of escalator replacements along Millennium Line, beginning with four at Commercial–Broadway SkyTrain Station, that were added when the Millennium Line was connected to Expo Line in 2002. Following Commercial–Broadway, we’ll tackle the rest of the original Millennium Line escalators station by station to ensure our customers transit experience remains as smooth as possible!
For up to date service information, please visit our Alerts page.
To prepare for the future Oakridge Park redevelopment, TransLink, Westbank Corp, QuadReal and the City of Vancouver are upgrading Oakridge–41st Avenue Station on the Canada Line. These improvements will begin in September 2024 and are expected to last approximately one year.
Once the project is completed, Oakridge–41st Avenue Station will include:
Two new escalators to improve customer accessibility at the station.
A new street-level station entrance canopy for better weather protection.
Direct underground mall access from the station for more efficient travel.
Over 7,000 customers use Oakridge–41st Avenue Station daily — that number is expected to grow as density in the area increases. This underscores the need for more longer-term investments in transit and its infrastructure to alleviate potential overcrowding across the region. The 10-Year Access for Everyone Plan is still unfunded and needs approval to address TransLink’s structural funding gap and significantly expand transit in Metro Vancouver.
Customers may experience temporary changes to station access and slight delays due to construction. Signage will be in place to minimize any disruptions. Intermittent elevator closures will also occur during the project; customers are encouraged to check Transit Alerts for updates. This work will take place near the ongoing construction of the new Oakridge Park redevelopment.
As part of the TransLink Maintenance and Upgrade Program, we’re continuing to partially and fully replace the roofs at several SkyTrain stations and other buildings on the system to protect customers and SkyTrain facilities. Many of the buildings along our SkyTrain network are aging and require ongoing maintenance. This work will help ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our customers now and in the future.
Estimated Timeline: Aug. to Dec. 2024
Overview: Transit services and customer commutes will be unaffected during the full roof replacement at Brentwood Town Centre Station. Existing stores and restaurants will remain accessible at all sites of construction with minimal hoarding. The majority of TransLink’s annual roof replacement program upgrades take place during the day with the possibility of some overnight work, as required.
Estimated Timeline: Sept. to Dec. 2024
Overview: As part of TransLink’s annual roof replacement program, we’re working to partially replace the roof at Gateway Station. As with other roof replacement work, the majority of the upgrades will take place during the day with the possibility of some overnight work, as required.
In response to noise concerns from residents along the Expo and Millennium lines, TransLink conducted a multi-step SkyTrain Noise Study in 2018.
The study recommended that we investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of six noise mitigation measures. These investigations were divided into two phases. Both phases have now been completed. You can find more details in the summary report and technical report.
This work is more important now than ever before as Metro Vancouver continues to grow and more people choose to live near rapid transit lines. The results of the study will help us identify noise-reduction measures for our system and inform future designs and investments.
The 2018 assessment report is complete. We have also completed a two-phased study to investigate all the mitigation measures outlined in the initial assessment report.
Learn more in the reports below:
Report to the Board - SkyTrain Noise Study Update (June 2021)
Environmental Noise Assessment Interim Guidelines for New Developments (May 10, 2021)
Phase 1 Recommendation Report and Implementation Plan: Full Report and Summary Report.
Some noise mitigation measures are already being implemented.
We are implementing harder rail with 3km of track that will be replaced annually under the program. The benefits of the harder rail are that corrugation doesn't develop as quickly, meaning noise mitigation is more manageable.
The installation of rail dampers has been approved and funded, and install will begin in Spring of 2022. Rail dampers will be installed on 3.2km on the Expo Line. More information on why this section was chosen can be found in the Phase Two report.
TransLink will assess and work to get approval and funding for the other measures outlined in the report.
In most locations, you will not hear a sudden reduction in noise. These noise mitigation measures aim to make train noise levels more stable and consistent, so that there are no longer times when the noise level is noticeably worse than others.
On March 24, 2025, TransLink completed substantial upgrades at Brentwood Town Centre Station to improve accessibility and amenities for customers. The upgrades include two new escalators from the expanded mezzanine level to the platforms, an additional street-level elevator, and more faregates.
Stairways from the station to street-level have been enhanced with glass enclosures for better weather protection and comfort for customers. The station received technology and safety enhancements such as improved lighting, and expanded CCTV and PA system coverage, in addition to revised wayfinding signs and information panels to direct customers. New glass artwork has been installed to extend to the newly built areas on the mezzanine level.
Bus bays that were previously that were relocated during the construction phase are back at their original locations on Lougheed Highway. Please see the updated map here.
Brentwood Town Centre Station was constructed as part of the Millennium Line expansion in 2002, and is one of the busiest stations on the Millennium Line serving seven different bus routes, and more than 2.2 passengers daily. In 2019 (pre-COVID), the station served close to 1.8 million passengers.
The station has received multiple awards for its architecture including the Governor General Medal in Architecture, RAIC, 2004, and Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia Award in Architecture, AIBC, 2004.
The upgrades to Brentwood Town Centre Station, which began in June 2022, are included in TransLink’s Phase One Investment Plan and funded by TransLink and the Government of Canada through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.
About the Project
As part of the TransLink Maintenance and Upgrade Program, we had planned several upgrades to Burrard SkyTrain Station. Due to high construction bid prices during the procurement process, we paused those upgrades. Since then, we’ve reassessed what needs to be done in the near term to continue to effectively serve our customers.
We will be upgrading the five escalators at Burrard Station to improve the customer experience and maintain a state of good repair. The escalators have been in service for more than 35 years, and since their installation, Expo Line usage has dramatically increased. These upgrades will ensure we can keep our customers moving reliably for years to come.
Next steps
Additional previously planned upgrades at Burrard Station are on pause and will be considered for implementation in the coming years.
If you have any questions about the project, please email