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    What is TravelSmart?

    Whether you’re new to transit, looking for travel solutions for your organization or want to incorporate active travel into your lifestyle, TravelSmart is here to help.

    TravelSmart empowers better travel choices with sustainable and flexible travel solutions. We provide access to a wide range of tools and resources with the goal of helping Metro Vancouver businesses and individuals become more informed about their travel.

    Who we work with:

    • Individuals and local businesses to encourage sustainable modes including walking, cycling, transit, carpooling, and more.

    • Our local government partners and planning and infrastructure project teams to ensure customers are aware of new and existing services and how they can best use them.

    • Community and non-profit groups to reach seniors, newcomers, businesses, and school groups.

    For an overview of our programs, start with our TravelChoices Mini Guide. If you’re looking to dive deeper into commute incentives and sustainable travel options, explore our TravelSmart toolkits.

    TravelSmart Toolkits

    Healthy, safe and reliable ways of getting around impact the environment, livability and wellness, both corporately and personally.

    These toolkits are designed to expand travel options and flexibility, providing tips and solutions on everything from transit, walking, cycling and carpooling, to parking management. Explore the variety of travel solutions below:


    The TravelSmart team works with a variety of groups to promote smarter travel options.

    TravelSmart Carpooling


    Use the Carpooling Toolkit to incentivize your employees to pool rides to your site and promote team building. Carpools are a great way to reduce the need to own a vehicle, congestion, and individual parking costs.

    TravelSmart Cycling


    Cycling and micromobility is one of the most convenient, cost-effective and healthy travel options. With our Cycling Toolkit, enhance your program by providing cycling facilities, amenities and by supporting local events and campaigns.

    TravelSmart Parking


    Use the Parking Management toolkit to develop a smarter parking management strategy and reduce your drive-alone rate, overhead costs and promote sustainable daily travel choices.

    TravelSmart Remote Work

    Remote Work

    The Remote & Flexible Work toolkit is a great resource to help implement your remote work policy to enhance employee work-life balance and productivity, while reducing congestion.

    TravelSmart Transit


    Check out our Transit Toolkit to find out how providing transit passes for your employees can help improve recruitment and retention, wellness and livability.

    TravelSmart Walking


    Creating a walking culture at your workplace is a cost-effective way to support employee health, productivity and focus. Use our Walking Toolkit to help reduce employee idleness and enhance physical well-being.